Sidekick 3 keeps displaying this. I already tried -
Remove the SIM card from the device.
NOTE: Do not re-insert the SIM card until instructed.
Clear the user flash settings:
Press the Jump button to access the Jump screen.
Press the Menu button.
Select Settings.
Select System Info.
Press and hold Menu + Shift + X at the same time.
Verify that a prompt appears: %26#39;Are you sure you want to erase your flash settings?%26#39;
Select Erase.
Perform a hard reset.
Re-insert the SIM card back into the device.
Verify that the device reboots.
Anything else I%26#39;m missing? Thx.
You%26#39;re going to have to call Customer Services and have the old username detached from the device. I had to do the same thing when i bought my SK3 off of ebay and the old username was still attached to the device. turn it off then back on before starting all that
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