I have a PSP and I want to know what the best memory card would be for having a lot of music,pictures and videos
get at least a 2-4gb pro duo. 1gb won%26#39;t be enough is you%26#39;re talking videos. I personally like Sandisk, they make really good ones. plus they are cheaper than sony%26#39;s. depends HOW MUCH of that stuff you want
usually the bigger the better
512mbs should tide you over
but if you want to put feature length movies[they average a gigabite in descent quality], all ur fav songs etc u might consider going higher
but bear in mind that more their expensive and a smaller memory stick might work 4
so i would recommed a 512megabit if u r a casual gamer or a 2-gig to be comfotorable
or u could wait a while[might be a long time] and get a psp slim that has 8 gigs built-in
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