Thursday, November 5, 2009

Besides a labtop and Iphone what portable cool tech toy could I use to surf the net while on a month

I want something that%26#39;s not as big as my laptop and the Iphone

is just a bit pricey and all I want is the net surfing access anyway.

I%26#39;ve heard of blackberries ect. but I don%26#39;t know too much about them...

.is there a cool tech toy that I could buy that I could use while

riding around in a car while taking a road trip next month?

I also heard I would have to pay for minutes by using a "net card" or something of the sort to get roaming wireless net access...

Any suggestions?

Thanks soooo much! Hope someone can enlighten me!


OK, the iPhone is about $600-700.

How about the Nokia N800 for $400 incl

tax. Or the slightly weaker Nokia N700 series for about $280?

It uses Linux, a paperback-sized device.

The N800 has a pop-out webcam, you use for free VoIP.

The N800 takes up to 2-2Gb SD cards.

Hope this helps PSP FTW! either sidekicks or yea blackberries if you already have a ds then you can get this little game for it that will let you access the internet from your ds and other cool things.

hope I helped!

bye. pocket pc 8125 or 8525 they are great by at%26t though Any portable wireless internet device has to have Wi-Fi, and a Wifi-hotspot. If you are looking for that, then don%26#39;t bother because if you are on a month long roadtrip, good luck using the internet.

Just be glad you are going on a month long trip, and don%26#39;t use the internet. For fun though the new PSP looks awesome, very slim and faster, longer battery life. So that%26#39;s a start. I traded my DS for a PSP, and glad I did. The DS games are too kiddish.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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