Thursday, November 5, 2009

Best selling cellphone?


"Sales records typically don%26#39;t stand for too long without being overtaken by the next best thing, but somehow, Nokia%26#39;s el cheapo 1100 handset has reportedly racked up "over 200 million sales" since it launched in 2003. You heard right, this low-end candybar has put the 100 million iPods, 50 million RAZRs, 10 million Chocolates, and 115 million PlayStation 2 consoles to shame in terms of sheer units moved. Interestingly enough, the design team that conjured up this cash cow originally dubbed it "Penny," and the stripped down, dust-proof mobile purportedly entered the market at precisely the right time to catch the booming overseas growth as folks worldwide began snapping up their own cellphone. Of course, such a basic, uninspiring phone isn%26#39;t for everyone, but considering the 200 million strong that owned one sometime during their life, we%26#39;d say Nokia found a winner." probably motorola razr. that%26#39;d be my guess. the best selling is the iphone

good luck Something from LG - they are #1 in the world now. ALl the operators are giving them away got $9.99 I-PHONES I will have to say the RAZR. Currently, most people are not willing to pay $600 for a iphone. You should consider the 680, or even the 750. They%26#39;re definitely much better, more advanced models (especially the 750, the most advanced). Look it up, and let me know if you%26#39;re interesting in getting either; I have a 680 (crimson color), and a 750 for sale. Better price than retail value by the way.

Contact me. . .

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