My dad just got a Blackberry anyone tell me the Pros and Cons. Thanks!
The Blackberry 8800 is the current best of class blackberry on the market. It has all the capabilities of the previous models and keeps up with the traditional full sized qwerty keyboard.
If you were a blackberry user, something that takes getting used to is the lack of the trackwheel on the right side of the device. It%26#39;s replaced with a trackball in the middle - like a treo or a blackjack look. That takes some getting used to. Also the keys seem a bit softer to the touch - which is good for carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers like myself.
It has Push to Talk embedded, which is a pretty cool feature that the GSM devices have promised for 16 months and haven%26#39;t delivered until now. It also has voice dialing, which isn%26#39;t new to cell users, but is very new to blackberry users.
Besides that, the screen is crystal clear, it has the ability to add memory, and the battery lasts longer than any of the 87xx class devices I used.
I hope this helps. If you run into any questions, feel free to IM me. go look at this site called
it tells about all the latest blackberrys i heard the the blackberry 8800 isnt a 3g phone meaning that it will download internet files and go on the intertnet a little slower.
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