Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can I use a PDA as a handwriting input device for a PC? Which software do I need?

Three days ago, I discovered OneNote and I love it. One of the great things is the possibility to add handwritten marks to text (like underlining words, putting notes on the margin etc). But there is a problem. My notebook%26#39;s display is not touch sensitive, and it is already painful to underline something using a mouse - writing notes is plainly impossible. I know I can spend 80+ Euros on a handwriting input device, but last year I already spent 300 Euros for a Palm Tungsten T|X and it does have a pen input capability. Now, you will agree, it makes no sense to paint a line on the PDA, save it as a file, export it to the PC, and insert it into the OneNote file. So what I want to know is: IS THERE A SOFTWARE WHICH MAKES MY PC RECOGNIZE THE PALM AS AN INPUT DEVICE? Just like the DriveMode software makes my PC recognize the Palm as a storage device converting it effectively into a card reader/memory stick combination. Or am I just dreaming? Or missing my chance to sell Palm the idea?



No you can not use it that way, for that you have to get a hand pad pen.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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