Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blackberry pearl vs blackberry curve?

which would be more useful to a high school student?

I want MS word; and can you only view it, or can you create a new document, and print it out?

Are these smartphones also orgnaziers?

i want all my gadgets in one compact device, so my heart is set on one of these two. price doesnt have a factor in this, so you don%26#39;t have to suggest anything more %26#39;reasonable%26#39;

also, which one do you find more attractive, and for the pearl, which color?

i%26#39;m with at%26t, if it makes a difference.

pro%26#39;s, con%26#39;s and opinions wanted.

thanks in advance!


The Curve has a regular qwerty keyboard, so I would think that would be easier for typing. All BB%26#39;s have built in capability to synch data for an address book and calendar with the most popular software, like Outlook for example.

As for editing Word docs, you will need a third party software such as eOffice or at least eWord. You can purchase it from Handango. blackberrys do not work with word. You need a dash or treo to use word. Blackberrys give you instant emails and are great for contacts and task. But microsoft word or excel will not work on it. So if you are looking to use the phone as a mini-pc type of device go for a treo.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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