Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blackberry pearl?

on the blackberry pearl what does it mean when it says data conection refused on the main screen?


Dear Brit,

I had the same problem. Because I bought my phone on e-bay turns out i didn%26#39;t buy a plan along with it. All you have to do is contact t-mobile and tell them you want to add an unlimited internet plan ($20/mo). You can also add an unlimited texting plan ($14/mo). Basically, without an unlimited internet plan your phone is pretty much useless. However if you are already registered contact t-mobile and tell them whats wrong, they%26#39;ll fix your service.

Take care!

x%26#39;s and o%26#39;s

-misshollywood it means that your data connection( email, internet) is disconneted. take out your sim charge and battery and turn it on. if that doesnt work call your customer service. if you dont have the internet package with your provider then your screen will always read that error message.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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