Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blackberry Pearl... how to add games or aplications?

how do you add games and aplications that you already downloaded onto your computer? and how do you download themes onto your pearl? i already have all this onto my computer... but how do you let your phone read it?


There are 2 ways to add applications/games to a blackberry.

One ways is using the Desktop Manager application that came with your blackberry. To do this you use the Application Loader which looks for .alx and .cod files.

The other is installing software Over The Air (OTA). To do this you must type in the URL where the application is being hosted (i.e. Notice that the file extension is .jad. The server must have both the .cod file and .jad files on the server for this to work. The server must also have the proper MIME extensions configured on their server.

Sorry for some of the technical mumbo-jumbo but these are the 2 ways.

Good Luck.

My company has developed and patented a few applications for the blackberry, this is how I am familiar with the process.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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