The R button on the PSP wont work!! and when you press the Home button while your playing the game, you can%26#39;t go to YES. so i have to take out the game and take out the battery. Someone please help me, i%26#39;ll give the best answer, ten points
They′re probably broken. I would take the PSP to gamestop or gamecrazy or another store that sells video games and ask them. That happened to me once...
All you have to do is return it to the store and get a new one...
You%26#39;d probably dropped it and something came out of place...
You could try hitting it a couple of times... this happened to my psp. It%26#39;s weird but it%26#39;s not broken. There is just huge delay time on it. What i did is i pressed the R button a couple of times then waited about 1-2 minutes. Pressed home to see if it was working. If you cant switch over it means the R button wont work. But it%26#39;s not broken if you just bought it return it for a new one if not call sony and they can possibly give you a new one.
Don%26#39;t panic it happens to my psp all the time and i still can
play my games.
Just repeat the process of tapping the R button. It will work i guarantee it. Return it to sony, maybe they could fix it for free if you have a warranty/guarantee, or take it to the shop you bought it from and get them to take a look.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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