No, the two operating systems are not compatible with each other.
There is an emulator for Pocket PC%26#39;s that allows you to install Palm software on a Pocket PC, but there is no emulator for Palm%26#39;s to install Pocket PC software on a Palm device. no absolutly not.that would cause an error and who knows what files may get erased No. Palm OS is made to run efficiently on a Palm machine. Pocket PC OS is made to run on a Windows based machine.
If you could run PPC on Palm, you will find that the PPC program is a resource hog and your Palm machine may not be able to do so with only 2, 8, 32, 128MB of internal memory. Palm OS is optimized for memory use, processor use and minimal battery drain.
The Palm OS is more efficient, robust and user friendly, faster, less hardware intensive and better on battery life.
The Palm is even better at handling native MS files, ie doc, xls, ppt with Documents to Go 3rd party software than PPC.
What does that say about compatibility/efficiency?
Go PALM...
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