Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can i take a headphone jack and attatch it to the 2 wires on a Speaker?

Can i take a headphone jack and attatch it to the 2 wires on a Speaker? if i can someone give very easy instructions and/or post pic/vid plz. i have 2 speakers that are the same but have a red and black wire and i want it to have a headphone jack so i can plug it in to my ipod for my room. any ideas? (i%26#39;m descent with electronics and have access to soddering materials)



Headphone outputs are designed to drive headphone that have a higher impedance then a speaker which is low impedance (like 8 ohm or 4 ohm). Speakers require more wattage whereas a headphone output is in mW and basically close to line level. What you need is a small amp or receiver that takes line level in and has speaker outpouts. You can use a 1/8" stereo plug to RCA Male Stereo cable to connect the iPod to th amp.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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