Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blackberry Pearl?

So I have a blackberry Pearl i was sending a text message and when I wanted to see an old message it was gone! my messages SHOULD stay there forever that%26#39;s how It%26#39;s set, but they are gone and as soon as I send one out it doesn%26#39;t saty on the sent folder it just dissapears. Any ideas?


This is a known issue with the Blackberry Pearl ...usually happens when the memory drops low and the phone keeps functioning and in the process it deletes your text messages as well as your call logs. I am not sure if that happened to you or not but it did happen to me.

A quick simple fix is to do a battery disconnect. Remove the battery from the phone while its "ON" without turning it "OFF" keep it disconnected for upto 2 minutes and then put the battery in and let the phone reboot.

Trying sending the text message and see if that solves it for you.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me and good luck to you! it is probably set not to save messages in your out box. you should be able to change that in the settings. This is likely too simple of a fix to be what you%26#39;re looking for - but I always like to try the easiest fix first! ;-)

go to your message list

open your message options (click the trackball and open the menu - scroll to and choose options)

general options

make sure "Hide sent messages" is sent to no

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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