My husband%26#39;s Bluetooth "smartphone" has reset itself and lost it%26#39;s address book. There are other bluetooth devices in the house, including a bluetooth iMac computer that share the desk with the phone while it is charging. Can multiple bluetooth devices "conflict" with each other and cause a smartphone to crash?
Not possible to happen inadvertently. The bluetooth devices have to be trusted and shared appropriately in order to be allowed to sync. It is not possible to have them link accidentally without being paired first.
Data is lost during a hard reset only with a PDA, or manual deletion of the address file. The ONLY other way would I could think of (other than a malfunctioning PDA) would be if he deleted the addresses from his primary sync PC. It would delete the ones from the PDA at the next sync.
The best way to restore the info in the smartphone is by doing a manual sync having the desktop overwrite the handheld. All recent data prior to the last sync is restored.
If he didn%26#39;t sync his smart phone with his computer address book for backup, well I am sorry but that would be plain foolish. I sync mine daily with my desktop computer and that automatically saves to an online account (just in case my desktop crashes and my Palm/ Treo dies simultaneously). it is possible, i also own a bluetooth computer and a phone. try reseting everything and try again. Impossible...Bluetooth has no control over reset or data lost features...what phone do you have.
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