I would like to purchase a pda phone, on ebay maybe, and use wifi capability at wifi hot spots but verizon says i will be charged for data. What gives
were talking the difference between a Smart Phone and a Pocket PC. If verizon you have a Few choices if you want the WiFi, the XV6700 is great. The Samsung i730 also has Wifi, and the Soon to be released XV6800. The only data you Have to pay for is your data plan, not WiFi, you can get on a Pay as you go Data plan, and Turn it off on the phone and only use wifi. Verizon Data Plans are far toooo Expensive. PDA phones don%26#39;t have WiFi. You%26#39;re connecting to your carriers service so you don%26#39;t even need a hot spot. I have a Treo 700p from Sprint. I pay $15 a month for unlimited access. And I find it well worth it. lie. some pda phones DO have wifi. he doesnt know what hes talking about. and yes you can use the internet on it without paying for it if the wifi is connected.
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