Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bluetooth on Laptop and Videos on PDA phone?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to use the bluetooth that comes with the laptops.

More importantl i waswondering if anyone knew how to transfer videos from the computer to the memory card for my PDA phone.

Can anyone help me??



Bluetooth only works if you have another Bluetooth enabled device and turned on.

1. First you need to turn both devices on from the settings/setups. It%26#39;s a blue logo with a white butterfly/sun glasses sign inside.

2. Search for and select the devices to sync or transfer files.

3. Sometimes you might need to sync the devices before transfering files. Usually they should have an option for you to add an device or sync a device, just sync them together with a passcode, and it should work properly.

There are few ways to transfer videos from the computer to the memory card depending on your cell phone capabilities.

1. The most common way is to connect your cell phone with a USB cable (should come with your phone) to your computer. Your cell phone will read as a flash drive. Just drag the video file from your your computer to the cell phone.

2. If your both cell phone and your computer have Bluetooth or Infared technology. You can send it through there.

3. You just need take out the memory card from your cell phone and use a memory card reader to your computer, again just click and drag the videos from your computer to the memory card.

The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.

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