Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cingulars 8125 help!?

The touch screen on my phone is all out of whack. I touch it in the correct area and nothing matches up...the screen is totally off set I can%26#39;t even unlock the keys. I%26#39;ve tried turning it off and on, taking the battery out, and completely re-setting it but nothing is working.Is my phone dead?? :(


I have had a similar problem. What i normally do is switch the screen back and forth between landscape and portrait a few times and that does the trick sometimes. If that doesn%26#39;t work i then remove the battery which you have tried. then the next step would be a hard reset which would erase everything on the phone and make it like new again. This is done by holding the Comm Manager and Voice Command and hitting the reset button next to the IR port then releasing the comm Manager and Voice Command buttons. I hope this may have helped You need to realign your screen somehow. The touch screen is very sensitive and needs to be accurate. I don%26#39;t think you are the only person with this problem but it%26#39;s worth a try. You should look at Cingular%26#39;s (AT%26T) site for more info

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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