Answer: It depends what you want.
Here%26#39;s how I would rank them (if money and carrier aren%26#39;t issues)
Curve: Latest kid on the block - released in US on May 31. has a camera, MP3 player, video player, removable memroy, full-QWERTY keyboard. You can%26#39;t go wrong with this model. It does not have GPS.
8800: No camera, but it does have GPS, removable memory MP3 player and video player. Full-size QWERTY keyboard, thinnest model to date.
8830 aka "World Phone Edition": If you%26#39;re on a CDMA-carrier, this is the device you need. It will roam internationally on GSM/GPRS
Pearl: Available in an assortment of colours. This is the smallest BlackBerry. The main drawback is that it doesn%26#39;t have a full-size keyboard - but you will get used to that and be able to type pretty quickly. Has a camera, video player, removable memory and MP3 player. No GPS.
8700: This device is showing its age a bit. It%26#39;s not as fancy as the newer models, but is undestructible. Here%26#39;s what you%26#39;re giving up: no removable memory card, no camera, no GPS, no MP3 player, no Bluetooth, no video player.
7130: If you%26#39;re looking for a phone-sized device, you could choose this one instead of the 8700. Has similar drawbacks to the 8700
Do not get a 7100, 7105, 7250, or 7290 device. They are older devices and don%26#39;t have all the new "cool" features. there all basically the same you should pick which ever one a carrier you like has there all great machines.
you can also try typing something into them at the store and see which one you like most.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.