Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can somebody help me with these PSPs?

I have 2 PSP systems in good working condition. Both of them have cracked screens, and one%26#39;s power supply doesn%26#39;t work. I slide the power switch up and the LED turns on for a split second. Anyway, I heard there was a way to display your PSP through your computer via USB. How can I do that? Also, is there a DIY way to fix my other one with the broken power supply? I have 3 batteries, I%26#39;ve tried all 3, it charges them, but the system doesn%26#39;t turn on. I thought maybe it bricked, but nothing. Doesn%26#39;t turn on at all. Anyway, I would like to hear about that program to display my PSP on my PC.


The simple answers are, no, there is no way to display your PSP on your PC via USB.

As far as the Power Supply, your best bet is to find a new one at the story and then return it with the old one instead.

There are some options for displaying the PSP on TV. So to put it on your PC you would have to have a Video In card on your PC. As far as the optiosn for PSP to TV there are a couple of easy Snap On devices that use the PSPs display and transfer that image to your TV via RCA jacks, like a DVD Player. But since the problem you are having is that you have broken displays, a better option might be for you to do a hardware modification. But that is pretty complex and will probably cost as much as just buying a new PSP anyway.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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