My PSP does not recognize any of the UMD, its stay searching and doesnt do anything else.
Try this forum:
One member got it to work after? a while?
However, this is unacceptable to me especially if it%26#39;s new.
Take it back and exchange for a new one if possible.
Good luck. Go change it..
Say its faulty...
Sue the company
XD Just keep trying them and they might start working. You may need to ask Sony, the manufacturer of PSP. You should go back to wherever you bought the psp and tell the people that and if they have no control over it you should call the company, let them know whats going on and then they should let you know what to do. One of ther options will probably be to send them the system and they will send you back a brand new one.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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