Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Delorme Earthmate GPS. What can a regular joe do with it? Is there a subscription cost?


You can have a LOT of fun with any handheld GPS, including that one!!

First off, there is no subscription cost. A GPS is like a radio, except instead of listening to radio stations, it%26#39;s listening to satellites that are broadcasting time %26 location signals. It uses these signals to figure out where in the world you are standing.

One of my favorite things to do with a GPS is called Geocaching. It%26#39;s a treasure hunt, that other people set up. They hide a little cache, where normal passersby will not see it, and post the GPS coordinates on a global web site.

You look on the website for caches in your area, punch the coordinates into your GPS, pack a lunch, and head off on a treasure hunt! Usually you do something at the cache, like write your initials and date on a small piece of paper, and then replace it. Many caches have you leave a small toy, and take one with you.

A good place to get started on the hobby (and find caches near you) is:

Wikipedia has a good article on this too:

Another thing I like to do with my GPS is to take it camping or hiking. It will show me where trails are, and will remember my campsite, so I can%26#39;t get lost.

I%26#39;ve also used one to find locations in strange cities when I%26#39;m travelling. Many GPS%26#39;s let you punch in an address, and will give you street directions.

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