Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Did anyone else have a problem with there 8125 cingular pocket pc? my touch screen no longer works??

anyone know how to hard reset it?


Well you can always try a soft reset by hitting the reset key on the right hand side with the stylus. or by just taking out the battery and placing it back in. now if the screen doesn%26#39;t respond to proper command then you have to just align the screen. if the screen doesn%26#39;t rec any command meaning that doesn%26#39;t respond at all when you touch it then yes a hard reset then. I only remember how to do it by going through the device but there is another way by pressing and holding a combination of buttons I just don%26#39;t exactly remember which one but if you call cingular I am sure they can assist with that and if a master reset doesn%26#39;t work they will replace the device for you. I know that Cingular relaeased a batch of faulty phones. You should call customer service and give them the info. Probably get a new phone if you call.

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