I am looking for a dell axim x51 but the US website does not have it and I found Dell Axim X51-520 from the UK Dell website . I want to purchase directly from Dell , so ebay is not an option and no other electronics website offers this PDA . Will I have any problems with this , I mean if I will be using it in the US ? Or is it only for Europe ? I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to electronics so I want to learn as much as I can . It is worth $300+ so I want to be sure . Thank you !
The Axim is definitely worth 300+$. However, Dell has discontinued them and is not planning on making any new PDA%26#39;s. If they are still selling new ones on the Dell site and you really want them, you should pick it up while you can. Otherwise it is either ebay or from Dell%26#39;s outlet store (for a refurbished one). You should be able to use it in the US and Europe, but will probably need different power cables. Try reading through the aximsite forums (aximsite.com) for more info if you need it. Last time I saw, it was also on Dell%26#39;s New Zealand and Australia websites. They%26#39;re probably MUCH cheaper than what the UK site is offering, but I%26#39;d contact them just to make sure because shipping is always flat for their sites.
If you want to try out a PDA, a lot of used PDAs are going for $300 and less ($300 is a sweet spot) for the Axim X51v/50v at Aximsite so I would try there first... if you don%26#39;t mind getting a used PDA.
As for power differences, I%26#39;ve owned a Dell Axim X30 and the power cables are 110V-220V. While the plugs may be different, you could use a plug converter and it would run fine.
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