could you please recommend a wonderful Palm/PDA ?
I need it to edit Microsoft word on it , browse web page , get email by using Wi-Fi, ( and coming with GPS receiver is a last option), the capacity the bigger, the better. at least 4 G something like Palm LifeDrive Mobile Manager.
Thank you so much.
Here%26#39;s the Palm store for reference:
Sounds like the TX would be a good fit.
1. Editing MS Word can be done with included software Documents to Go.
2. TX has WiFi and Blazer browser.
3. Versamail is Palm%26#39;s native application. Can work well with certain sites. Excellent 3rd party software on Palm is Snapper Mail.
4. The TX can accomodate 4GB SD cards. Uses less power than a spinning microdrive. HD lag has been minimized with new LifeDrive software, however, Palm no longer offers the LD.
5. There are many Bluetooth receivers that work well with the TX along with GPS software.
Good luck. Google forums.. There are to many and they all have diff ups and downs. Next time put more about yourself.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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