Could I run any kind of applications which I have on my PC on a pcpocket? How is usualy made the transfer?(usb, wireless, ..?). Could I install different type of applications(which are not so smal) on different cards and charged the cards on pcpocket depends on the application I need?Thanks a lot!
No, you need to find out what operating system your pocket PC is running and get applications designed for that operating system. The applications are usually loaded via USB, WiFi, or bluetooth in the form of a cab file that is executed on the PPC once it has been loaded. The size of the application is going to be limited to available memory and / or storage card that is plugged into the PPC. I%26#39;m not a ppc user but I think not. Apps, like CS3 or Doom 3 definitely won%26#39;t run on a ppc. There are ppc versions of software like microsoft office that will run though but other than that, if you try to execute an installer on ppc, it won%26#39;t work.
If this interests you, there are remote desktop methods of connecting the ppc to your pc.
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