Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cingular 8525?

I am a T-Mobile customer, but the MDA or Wing has nothing on Cingular 8525, so I am thinking about getting it, and NOT getting the internet plans cause it has Wifi/bluetooth/3G. My question is will I get charged for using that Wifi, or is it free? Someone told me I would have to pay for however long I use the net on the 8525.


The wifi indeed is free but let me tell you ahead of time that its a bit of a pain configuring wifi everything you find a place that has access. You might as well bite the bullet and go with the internet access on the 3g network. It is a little expensive but totally definitely worth it. the wifi is free. The 3g isnt, and unless you get an internet plan it can get expensive quick. The wing is cool, and T-mobile wont come out with 3G at least until 3rd quarter. Personally, I chose the Wing and have been nicely satisfied with it. Its a little slower on the processor end but has a nicer feel in the hand then the 8525. Also the I talked T-Mobile into $100%26#39;s off becasue I told them I wanted to stay but their technology was gettting inferior. At $199 its hard to beat. I beleive T-Mobile makes you pay for any net usage, not sure how unlocked phones get around this.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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