Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cingular 8525?

I have the 8525. When I view Yahoo, it directs me to, which is the mobile version of Yahoo. One time, it did not reroute me to the mobile version, and I was able to view the standard Yahoo page(as if I was sitting in front of my home pc) I also have a friend who has the new treo, with windows mobile 5 and he views all web pages as if he were o nhis home pc, not a mobile device. I have called At%26t now several times to see why I can%26#39;t view a normal web page nad they have no idea what I am talking about(Tech. dept. too) Is there a way I can change the settigns on the 8525 to view a normal web page?


This is a problem with cingular/att.

There are two ways to connect to the internet, one connects to and the other to All PDA traffic should be going through and all other phones should be going to

For some reason, stopped working, and all of us with 8525s are now having to go through is seeing that you are on a wap devices because of this, and displaying their tiny web page for phone devices.

I don%26#39;t know of a solution at this point. I have heard that downgrading to an older ROM will make it work again. I don%26#39;t think you can. The new Treo has a full HTML browser. Your phone doesn%26#39;t have that. Yours just has a mobile web browser. You will have to get a new phone if you want the full browser. The iPhone%26#39;s coming up and it has the best internet browser on a cell phone to date. I have the 8525 as well. I had to set up my Express Mail to sync with my yahoo account. Then I DONT access yahoo through my internet explorer. Go in through your START button then messaging. This will at least allow you to download attachments. I hope this helps you some. It still doesnt give you like the regular yahoo home page but it makes attachments downloadable. Good luck with this tricky device!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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