i just bought a used Att%26t treo off someone..but i have a cingular sim card...i put it in the treo and it said it wasnt capable so what do i do??/ is it going to work?
If it%26#39;s not compatible, you might have to get a sim card that is. You might have to get a new AT%26T sim card since they switched again. I know when AT%26T switched to Cingular a few years ago, my phone worked, but if I had bought a new phone I couldnt use the same sim card. It should be free, or at least very cheap to get one and you might be able to get one from a store. Visit a local Cingular/AT%26T store in your area and see if they can help, or call the customer care # and ask them to send you a new one. Nothing wrong with buying a used phone..done it many times. hi...
what you need to do is have your phone unlock.. call AT%26T/Cingular or buy a new sim card for your phone Nope, u r gonna have to go to cingular tell them what happened and go from there, that%26#39;s like as if i had a verizon LG phone and put a razr sim card in it. Hope this helps, at least that%26#39;s what my sister did and they gave her a card that would be compatable with her new phone let me know. Oh and get back at my emails! Sugga luvs ya(lol) maybe your sim card is old, ebay has them for under 10.00, go to your local cingular store and argue it so you can get it for free, it%26#39;s actually worked for me... Good luck Oh no, CaDilLAcDicK got himself some hot goods! At least you%26#39;ve got somein-somein HOt in yo CaDilLac.
Not capable? Sounds like the problem in yo last question, Dawg.
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