Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Charging blackberry?

how can i charge my blackberry 8707g? Im using the supplied usb cable attached to my laptop, however it doesnt seem to charge. Anyone can help?


On many PCs, in order for the USB port to supply the proper power for charging the BB device, the software needs to be installed and the BB Device Manager program needs to be running.

When you start the BB Device Manager, it puts itself in the system tray. You can have it load on start up or manually load it when you need to charge the BB. your charger could be faulty.

make sure the socket that you%26#39;re plugging the charger into is working by plugging i.e. a hair dryer or something in to test it

failing all that, it may be something wrong with your Blackberry it not really made to take charge form the usb port it is to slow of a charhging system

my advise would be to pugg in to a wall charger

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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