yesterday afternoon
i was doing my hair with a watery goowy hair product and about 2 table spoons landed on the screen of my Cingular 8125 Pocket Pc
it was working fine the rest of the day and then this morning i wake up to find that the touch screen doesnt work at all!!
any one have any advice on what to do!
iv only had this phone for a week
so for *any pocket pc owners* is the touch screen that inportant?
Yes touch screen is important otherwise you won%26#39;t be able to use your phone properly...
You should try to clean it with a wet cloth otherwise just return it since its only 1 week old... you can return the device because you have only had it a short time but when you return it don%26#39;t tell them it had a watery substance spilt on it because they will not cover water damage i usually tell them that the software hase been acting weired and that works.
and yes the touch screen is that important.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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