Wednesday, October 7, 2009


can yall give me a bunch of info on how 2 b a good cheerleader thanxs



you have to pay attention like not put cheerleading questions in the wrong place like

Home %26gt; Consumer Electronics %26gt; PDAs %26 Handhelds Nowadays most cheerleaders have some background in gymnastics and or dance. you have to know how to do a herkie, a toe touch, you need to know how to dance, know alot of gymnastic moves, and can be able to be lift up in the air so you have to weight lite make sure all your motions are tight(no loose arms at all),practice jumps, motions, and any stunts or flips you can do

If you%26#39;re trying out make sure you smile and have a good time. And talk to current cheerleaders about how tryouts and the seasons are. Make sure you have time to cheer because cheering is a BIG commitment. Try working on these things: Just go and try to be n the cheerleader squad.

If you make, then I do wish you the very best of luck as this

activity does apply on your resume. First off, please check around with the cheerleader coach too see what she recommends n what things she expects out of her cheerleaders.

First off, you will have to do some for workout because the cheerleaders do make some triangles and that requires

a lot of strength and 1 false move can make the pyramide, or the triangle, to fall down.

Being a cheerleader is a bond between you and the other girls meaning if you are in good terms with them they will treat you right and this experience of being will be in mind and in your heart forever.

Don%26#39;t forget that you must practice on your cheers every single day until you have them memorized until it comes out like second nature.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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