I wanted to know who will i be abel to watch videos while im using the internet on the psp, becuz it always say sumthing about flash player and how I need the lastest version. I tried everything like updateing my psp, enabeling everything like flashplayer and things like that and it still doesnt work becuz i really want to watch youtube on my psp. Can u help me.
You can use this site to convert Youtube Videos to MP4s for PSP, http://www.vixy.net or you can get Videos straight from http://www.guba.com/home_free But you will not be able to watch the videos in the web browser but you can watch them offline. The problem with watching youtube on your PSP is that it doesn%26#39;t have the internal memory to store the movie while it%26#39;s loading. On your PC, that information is stored in RAM, or in the page file, however, PSPs don%26#39;t have that kind of capacity. I%26#39;ve never actually been able to watch movies streamed from the internet on my PSP. I assumed that using a Memory Stick would increase it%26#39;s capacity and allow me to watch movies, but apparently the flash memory won%26#39;t work as RAM and allow that function. Only really small flash movies are usually viewable. DAY-UM! youtube won%26#39;t work. give it up. flash videos only.
one you internet browser on your psp go to
at the top choose entertainment
find someont like "newgrounds"
click on there
you can watch videos on that site. tons of flash videos. only animation though.
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