Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can you downgrade a 3.3v PSP to 1.5? If not is there any downgrader releasing soon?


****YOU CAN ONLY DOWNGRADE A PSP AT OR LESSTHAN 3.03 firmware, BELOW IS INFO FOR A 3.03 DOWNGRADE. At the moment that is ALL that can be downgraded. When the 3.3v does come out, it will be along the same lines.****

all you need is the UNPATCHED version of "grand theft auto: liberty city stories". Links for the downgraders below. Look at the motherboard of your psp through your umd. if you don%26#39;t see a TA number use the second link.

****remember with downgrading you risk bricking your psp. the download I gave you is legit and will work, how you go about it is ALL on you. Remember to plug you PSP to its charger as you go through with the downgrade.

Good luck %26

Happy PSPing yea you can find old versions online.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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