Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can this site be for real? Should I give it a try?

I was browsing the web and came upon this site It says I can get an iPhone for free. Should I give them a try? Does anyone have any experience with this?


Of course it%26#39;s a scam! but trying it with a disposable e-mail address is brilliant! I hope you keep us all apprised of the spam and garbage you receive (before you abandon that address) Anything that says it%26#39;s free...isn%26#39;t. NO!! they will ask 4 email adress and adress that is not safe yes it does work and i have heard of people getting ipods free... but the catch is that you have to sign up for advertisers services which will cost you... but then after you do that you have to refer or make friends from 4 or maybe 10 others to do what you did but under your link they provide you... and after you get that number theyll send your phone...

but it takes forever and is not worth the effort and trouble you have to go through in my opinion...

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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