Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can the Motorola Q be flashed to Cricket with pic messaging and internet working?


YES you can I did it. I can%26#39;t remember where I went though. go through the good %26#39;ole yellow pages and look for places that might do it. It was kinda pricey though. Not toooo much about $90.00. but you can do it. talk to cricket though, they really don%26#39;t care. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT? No.

Its not a matter of flashing anything. You need to convince Cricket to allow your phone on their network - something that is probably impossible to do, Cricket doesn%26#39;t have any smartphones so it%26#39;s doubtful that they%26#39;d be willing to let you use one on their network. Flashing of the ROM is not a viable solution as it can%26#39;t be done. Now if it was doable (since cricket doesn%26#39;t sell pda as prev person mentions I actually don%26#39;t know) you will need to get info from cricket to see if they have any Win mobile Rom for any of their devices. With that ofcourse since every dev for each carrier comes with certain functionality they more or less won%26#39;t work, worst case scenario it will F*ck up the device. Now in order to use internet or mms every carrier has their settings for it and you can always ask Cricket for it and in most case will provide the settings for you. But, they may not walk you through how to set up those settings and in that case you will have to contact Moto maybe they can help or know how yourself how to change those settings.. which can be tough if you don%26#39;t know your dev inside out.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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