I bought one of these sleek baby%26#39;s while i was a strapped for cash college student back in 04. while i didn%26#39;t think it was worth it at the time, or didn%26#39;t have the funds, i%26#39;m not sure, but i purchased the pocket pc without the bluetooth wireless internet, and now the thing i feel is completely useless other than as a pocket organizer...can anyone steer me right with this thing? how do you use the internet other than plugging into a computer with the internet (which i think is stupid), or if you don%26#39;t have the CD anymore to link it to your computer, can you still use it with your computer? (can the activesync drivers or whatever be downloaded somewhere? if so where?) thanks to anyone who has insight on this matter.
You can get an adapter for the internet through either for the sd or cf slot. If you have lost the disk, you should be able to get the drivers from dell%26#39;s website, or possibly even from microsoft%26#39;s site if you know which version of active sync it was. Aximsite.com has a lot of good info and maybe you can find someone on the forums selling some of their old x3 stuff. the active sync drivers can be downloaded easy i just do a search for activesync when i need them. i am not fimiler totally with the axim 3 as i have the v50 but i believe you can get an adaptor the goes in with you cf card to do wireless internet i have seen them on ebay and dells website
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