I am considering getting a blackberry but in order to access my one email account you have to vpn to access the exchange server. Can you vpn with a blackberry?
I am able to access my company%26#39;s VPN on my BB through the Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access/Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
It%26#39;s a roundabout way of doing it, but it works for me. NO! No client software to do that...nor do I think there will ever be. Go with a Windows Mobile device which can do push email just like a BlueBerry Unfortunately no. They don%26#39;t have such option. Now you don%26#39;t necessarily need vpn access to setup email from an exchange server for the blackberry as it%26#39;s powerful email solutions usually is good with any type of email. As the prev contibutor mentioned that use Win Mobile(for some reason he LOVES win mobile) yes that will also work only if your mail Admin allows it and have to be on Exchange 2003 w/ SP2 for it to work. Also don%26#39;t know how much your mail admin which could be you know about servers as it will not be supported by your carrier if it is a server related issue and you will have to reach MS and their support is $250. If bb determines it is a server issue will tell you and your admin may still have to fix the issue on their end and will get support w/o pay extra. While once you setup blackberry once it%26#39;s usually done easier to switch from dev to device and their email solution for any mobile dev out there is UNBETABLE.
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