Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cingular 8525 help??

i have a cingular 8525 phone.. i know how all the system works.. i have no problem with adding ringtones and set it as ringtones.. but for some reason.. i can not use it as my alarm.. the default alarm that they include in the phone scare me in the morning... i like something peaceful like love music.. i do have the music that i want to install but i dont know where it add it in my phone.. can you please answer this question.. anything would do.. thanks in advance.=)


Congratulations! The 8525 is AWEsome.

To answer your question, click on the day and select the alarm that you want to have the tone change. Click on the little bell icon and you%26#39;ll get a new window. Check the "Play Sound" box and a drop down menu to the right will allow you to choose between the various sound files in that directory. Since you indicate that you know how to handle the unit, copy a file that you want to use as the tone to the same directory and you should be able to get it as an option.

Hope that helps. you should have an option when setting your alarm. highlight the alarm alert and you should have a soft key option to press change, or something like that. you should absolutely be able to change that. if not go to and click on your phone and click on tutorial.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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