Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can you put song on your nintendo DS?

not a nintendo ds lite just a normal nintendo ds

is there anyway to get some music on it and play it back with earphones

if yes then how


If you got a M3 cartridge, then why are you asking? Just copy your mp3 files to the micro SD card and away you go. Or it that too difficult? Yes

there is a particular cartridge that you can put microsd%26#39;s into and then this cartridge fits into your ds this also means you can alsowatch movies and possibly play pirated games etc along with listening to music go to

this is the product i am talking about Well, along with that there is a software cartridge specifically for listening to music. It%26#39;s called a Nintendo MP3 Player. You can get it from Amazon and other on line shops for about £15. But along with that you need to buy a SD card to store the songs on. The card also works on the DS lite, and Gameboy micro.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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