Friday, June 18, 2010

Will a blackberry curve fit in my pants pocket?

Im really considering getting a blackberry curve, Im just afraid it wont fit in my pants pocket, I ahve heard guys say it fits in their but their pockets are much larger than girls, so anyone who has a blackberry curve could u let me know if it would fit in my pocket?


yep You will probably have to squeeze it but it still depends on your size pocket. It depends on what size pockets you have.

But seriously, NEVER EVER EVER put a Blackberry with a trackball in your pocket. Ever. Seriously. You know how on the mice with the balls (who has them anymore, right?) your desk would get dirty, and then you would roll your mouse on it, and the gunk would get in the mouse ball, and then the ball wouldn%26#39;t roll as well, and you would have to clean it?

Well, that problem also happens on the Blackberries with the trackballs, except you can%26#39;t take it apart and clean it. The number one cause of this issue? Pocket lint. Seriously, I talked to someone who works for the Blackberry manufacturer, and that%26#39;s what they always find in the defective ones that get sent back to them. I work for a cell phone carrier in Blackberry tech support, and I probably do 10 warranty exchanges a week because of this. When the phones go out of warranty, the people will be screwed.

So, the short answer: Don%26#39;t worry if it can fit in your pocket, because if you%26#39;re smart, you%26#39;ll be keeping it in a case anyway, even if it does look a little geeky.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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