Friday, June 18, 2010

Which cell phone should I get?

I am going to have T-Mobile as my carrier. I want to get either the Motorola Krazr or the rose Motorola Rizr. Which one should I get?


The RIZR! i have it and love it. fist, the texture is easy 2 grip and just comfortable. the KRAZR i believe is also heavier. the RIZR is a slider which i like. the camera is 2 mega pixels which is great and its on the back. there is a camera button on the side so you cane actually close the phone and take ur looks just like a regular camera. you can change the filter wen u take a picture, there is color, black and white, blueish, reddish, antique,greenish and negative. u also have 8xzoom. another great has a light/flash for when you take a picture. u can also take video. the keypad is harder then the razr, so it makes for easier txting and overall usage. u have im on it. a music player, which i love.theres a calculator, a alarm and a date book, so u can put appointments in.ring tones song great on it. the speakers are just great. the onli bad thing is that the UI i a lil slow but not to and extent that it is bothersome. i have the blue 1. and the tattoo on the back is a nice touch. hope this helps. email if any questions. I agree.

Get the RIZR.

For the reasons said above!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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