Sunday, June 20, 2010

When I am charging my GPS from a car charger?

When I am charging my GPS from a car charger there is a light to tell me that it is connected but the battery is not being charged.

When the GPS is being charged from the mains there is no problem.

Anyone any ideas?


Yes .It happens as The car charger in not matching with your GPS

Just get one good car charger that have a same voltage or volt .It will deffinatly resolve your problem .

Even I can Suggest one site where you can get Car Chargers

Thanks When you say car charger, are you talking about the device used to charge car batteries ?

If you are, do not use it. The voltage supplied is not pure DC and is not regulated. It could damage your GPS.

If you mean the cigarette lighter socket, with an adaptor lead, the lead is probably faulty (they often have a fuse built in, check it)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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