Friday, June 18, 2010

Which phone is better the sprint mogul or treo755p?

I have been looking into these two phones but im still not sure which one to get.Ived heard that the mogul freezes alot through out the day as well as poor battery life.Please help


I had the Sprint PDA and it did freeze alot, so I switch to the Treo. My Treo has frozen from time to time, but not nearly as much as the sprint. The Treo is great as well is the Mogul.they are just different operating systems, like a PC and a Mac. The windows mobile phone (Mogul) is going to freeze more and give you more headaches as far as battery life, but it is far more upgradable and also will get better reception and call quality. The Treo is a better beginners PDA because it%26#39;s extremely easy to use, and will have less software issues, but will have more call quality issues. I currently use the Mogul and LOVE it, I also just got one for my fiance who has never had a PDA and she can%26#39;t put it down! I%26#39;ve used Palm PDAs in the past and they don%26#39;t seem to be durable and always have calling issues, but the new 755 seems a ton better.

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